Dragi colegi,
Muzeul Judetean Aurelian Sacerdoteanu Valcea si Centrul de Tracologie din cadrul Institutului de Arheologie Vasile Parvan Bucuresti au placerea de a va informa despre dorinta lor de a dedica numarul XII/2015 al revistei Buridava. Studii si materiale distinsului prof. dr. Petre ROMAN, cu ocazia celei de-a 80-a aniversari.
Prof. dr. Petre ROMAN activeaza in domeniul Preistoriei Romaniei si Europei de mai bine de 55 de ani si este unul dintre proeminentii promotori si cercetatori ai civilizatiei tracilor, dupa 1989 fiind si directorul Institutului Roman de Tracologie.
Avem privilegiul de a va invita sa contribuiti la aparitia acestui numar aniversar cu un studiu, in concordanta cu interesele dvs. stiintifice. Va rugam sa confirmati intentia precum si titlul contributiei dvs. in cursul acestei luni iar studiul se va trimite pana la sfarsitul lunii iulie 2015 pe adresa de e-mail muzeuljudeteanvalcea@gmail.com. Se accepta studii in romana, engleza, franceza si germana.
Cu deosebita consideratie,
Colegiul de Redactie
(normele de redactare pentru acest numar sunt atasate acestui mesaj si va stau la dispozitie pentru alte detalii sau le gasiti la adresa http://www.muzee-valcea.ro/buridava/buridava.html)
Dear Colleagues,
The County Museum Aurel Sacerdo?eanu Vālcea from Rāmnicu Vālcea and Center of Thracology belonging to the Vasile Pārvan Institute of Archaeology in Bucuresti have the pleasure to inform you about their wish of devoting the XIIth number of BURIDAVA - Studii si Materiale, to the distinguished prof. dr. PETRE ROMAN, on the occasion of his 80th birthday anniversary.
Prof. dr. PETRE ROMAN is working in the field of the Romanian and European Prehistory for more than 55 years, and he is one of the prominent promoters of the research regarding the Thracian civilization, as a matter of fact, after 1989, being also the Director of the Romanian Institute of Thracology.
We have the privilege to invite you to support this publication with a contribution, according to your present scientific interests. We would kindly ask you to confirm your registration into the Tabula gratulatoria as well as the title of your study.
We are expecting to receive your study (writen in english, french or german) until the end of July 2015 at the following e-mail address:
Best consideration,
The Editorial Board
(the guideliness for this issue are attached below and more details about the Buridava journal can be found on the website http://www.muzee-valcea.ro/buridava/buridava_en.html) |